Hope your 2013 is off to an amazing start!

Birth announcement

baby boy
I’m not sure if you noticed but I haven’t posted on my blog for awhile. I’ve been …. busy. Baby Truman Miles was born on 12/8/13 at 2:31am. I thought I’d zip right back into my blog but then I really didn’t want to— instead, I savored the holidays with my new little darling baby and my family. I checked out of work and checked into being with my family. It was fabulous.

2013 joie d’vivre
When New Year’s rolled around I realized that I didn’t want to set any new goals or resolutions. I’ve been hyper-overachieving and goal-focused for years. 2013? I wanted to try something different. So the only resolution I have is to not have any resolutions and instead simply feel joy each day.

my year of no resolutions
So now that we’re settled into the year — this is the last day of January, I’m thrilled that I’ve kept my resolution of no resolutions. It’s an incredibly freeing feeling. I’ve discovered that joie d’vivre isn’t about being an ecstatic superhuman-mom. Some days I really don’t feel JOY after being up all night with my newborn. Are you kidding?! Add to that the demands of a toddler, plus work, etc. I’m doing my best to just keep it all together. So does that mean I’ve blown my resolution of no resolution of just feeling JOY? Not at all. What I realize is when I’m not feeling the joie d’vivre, I simply have to ask myself, what do I need to feel a little better? Sometimes that’s a nap. Sometimes it’s delegating work tasks so I can go to the history museum with my toddler. What a relief to have only one focus this year!!! I know it’s only been a month but I’m excited to see how this (for me) radical shift in thinking will play out in 2013. For once I’m not checking my goal spreadsheet all the time. It’s not about achievements — it’s about who I’m being. And I am confident this is enough.

a year of change
What has opened up to me is that without even trying, projects are coming to me easily and effortlessly. Each week new prospects are calling with decorating or staging projects. I’m thrilled with my clients and being with my family. Oh, and I have a very big surprise that I want to share with you too. My husband just got a new job for a hedge fund which will require us to relocate by 4/1… to Minneapolis, MN. WOW! As we had been looking for a new home I never dreamed that new home would be in Minneapolis. Lots of changes for 2013!

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